"Microsoft will support IE10 for 10 years after its release, honoring the same product lifecycle commitments as Windows itself."
"Preview on iPhone 4, Palm Pre, HTC Evo, and Blackberry Storm, with more devices on the way"
"As we near the end of the program, I'd like to look back at the past few decades of shuttle development and missions as we await the next steps toward human space flight. [61 photos]"
"This concise book provides HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript code examples, screen shots, and step-by-step guidance to help you build a complete working app with jQuery Mobile."
"Here at TPG we have been working on a new tool to inspect elements on a web page and be able to view the HTML code, ARIA attributes (if any) and the information being conveyed by the browser to accessibility APIs, all in one neatish interface."