"Clearly threatened by the recent competition put up by RockMelt, Flock has brought in both speed and security updates with a new Chromium 7 core. Even the maligned Mac OS X version of Flock has been blessed with a move from the old Gecko engine to the speedier WebKit-based Chromium."
"Below are some fantastic resources for designing not just mobile websites, but smartphone-friendly sites. We’ve covered everything from basics to tutorials to usability."
"Thanks to confusion about their definitions and inconsistent browser support, <acronym> was dropped from both XHTML2 (now defunct) and HTML5. It’s been merged with <abbr>, which explicitly states “The abbr element represents an abbreviation or acronym”."
"if current trends continue, BlackBerry and Android combined are on course to become twice the size of iOS as regards mobile internet usage in the next year."
"If we focus on supporting ARIA as it is now, support will largely remain how it is now. We should instead advocate that developers build things following standards, increase our pressure on browser and assistive technology vendors to increase their support, and help users understand the increased accessibility they can experience by using standards-compliant web browsers and assistive technology. The future of ARIA is bright, but only if we make it so."
"Is that a spaceship or a cloud? Although it may seem like an alien mothership, it's actually a impressive thunderstorm cloud called a supercell."