links for 2010-06-03
"The browser built for the big screen."
"感想をお寄せ頂いた方から抽選で300名様に、NEC特製の小惑星探査機「はやぶさ」プラモデルをプレゼント致します。本文末尾の感想フォームから、ふるってご応募ください。【2010年6月28日(月)16:00締め切り】 "……なんだってー
"Flash... without the plugin (preview)"
"However, globally he suggested that web designers were not out of the woods yet. "If your target market is Asia then IE6 still has 20.8% usage. IE8 has only just overtaken it in Asia." Africa also continues to have high levels of usage of IE6."
"As an assistive technology enthusiast and disabled blogger, it’s fantastic to see so much interest in the non-mainstream uses of these devices!"
"Use Kaleidoscope to spot the differences in text and image files. Review changes in seconds with the world's most advanced file comparison application."