"Today I present A tale of two viewports ? part one. I explain CSS vs. device pixels, the viewport, several interesting JavaScript properties, and the media queries width and device-width. This piece is about the desktop browsers, because the mobile story is much easier to follow if you know exactly what happens on desktop. Later on I’ll publish part two, which is exclusively about mobile."
"The <article> element is a specialised kind of <section>; it has a more specific semantic meaning than <section> in that it is an independent, self-contained block of related content. We could use <section>, but using <article> gives more semantic meaning to the content."
"This is an attempt to recre?ate our solar sys?tem using CSS3 fea?tures such as border-radius, trans?forms and anim?a?tions. The res?ult is sur?pris?ing and quite interesting."
"Two years and a half ago, Dan Connolly wrote about When will HTML 5 support <video>? Sooner if you help. Where are we with HTML5 Video nowadays? "
"In 2006, two mobile operating systems controlled 81 percent of the market. This year there are 10 different smartphone operating systems. Over that same period of time, mobile browsers have gone from many different proprietary rendering engines to the point where WebKit alone will power browsers in more than 85 percent of the smartphones sold."