"Last May 2009 the Mobile Web Test Suites Working Group (MWTS) volunteers were polishing up the Web Compatibility Test for Mobile Browsers(WCTMB) version one and thinking of a new test. Nine months later our next little baby is due, version two of the WCTMB."
"Internet Explorer Six, resident of the interwebs for over 8 years, died the morning of March 1, 2010 in Mountain View, California, as a result of a workplace injury sustained at the headquarters of Google, Inc."
"この Wiki は、Microsoft Visual C++/C# 2008 を用いたアクセシビリティのためのプログラミングに関する情報をまとめて整理するために、梅垣 正宏 (ume @ st. rim.or.jp) が個人的に運営しています。"
"A simple utility to convert an image into base 64 data URIs for embedding images."
"The only reason why we as web developers had to adjust coding practices were user agents that failed to meet user agent accessibility guidelines."