links for 2009-09-29
"On this week’s show: We interview Jeremy Keith about the truth of HTML5 and Ryan Carson shares some more advice about building your own web application."インタビュー読もうと思ったら結構長かったので後で。
"css_doc is a Ruby library and command line tool to extract documentation from CSS files. The format of the documentation is very similar to JavaDoc."今すぐ試そうとは思わないけど、興味深い試みではあると思います。
"This new service extends to companies and agencies with tens of thousands of legacy PDF documents in their archives, and delivers these accessible web pages in a matter of weeks."
"Mac Webkit nightly builds now support more than 60% of the ARIA roles, up from 25% a few months ago. Improved support includes all ARIA landmark roles and many document structure roles."
"egbridge ゆずりの軽快で俊敏な動作が特徴ということで“かわせみ”と名付けました。風変わりな名前ですがどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。"