links for 2009-09-16
"on monday, 14 september, i had the pleasure of speaking at the glasgow leg of the future of web design tour 2009 on the topic of Keyboard accessibility - basic steps towards a more usable and accessible site."
"ザ・ジャクソンズパートでの最大の見せ場となったナンバーはもちろん、エド・サリバン・ショー初出演時の再現と言わんばかりに披露したデビュー曲 "I Want You Back"。"これ本当に好きなんだよなぁ……曲の一部だけでなしに、最初から最後まで通しで聴かせて欲しかった(泣
"Browserscope is a community-driven project for profiling web browsers. The goals are to foster innovation by tracking browser functionality and to be a resource for web developers."