"ShareAppScreen is web service to share your iPhone home screen. You can manage your iPhone home screen by Dashboard Widget. And you can share iPhone screen to your friends."
"Let’s set things straight once and for all. In this post we are trying to clear up the confusion, explain what is what and describe what markup language you can use for your web-sites."
"The good news is that although HTML 5 audio is a relatively immature part of the standard, if recent trends continue and users upgrade to the latest versions of Safari and Firefox, browser support is likely to rise above the 25% mark in the very near future."
"Support for the Mac native screen reader VoiceOver was added to Opera in version 9.5. This is a quick overview explaining what you can access using VoiceOver with Opera."
"iDeskCal embeds your calendar on your desktop, above your wallpaper but below your desktop items. With iDeskCal you can quickly and effortlessly know exactly what is on your calendar for the current day, and beyond."
"any accessibility solution that is provided should as far as possible support gradual transformation of the way they interact with technology, not a traumatic (sudden) change."