"iCal Dupe Deleter is a straight-forward application to aid the removal of duplicate events and todos in iCal under OSX Leopard."
"For VoiceOver users using a MacBook with a MultiTouch capable trackpad, this makes the trackpad work similarly to the screen of the iPhone 3GS with VoiceOver."
"we finally have a great SeaMonkey 2.0 Beta 1 release available for you. This release really brings the suite up to modern standards, supporting feeds as well as HTML5 audio/video, managing add-ons in a comfortable way (as known from Firefox 3.5), having customizable toolbars in both browser and mail windows, and much more - and all that in more than a dozen languages right from the beginning."
"We’ve stated previously that we view the Compatibility View List as a short-term solution and believe that adding this additional site removal criteria helps us achieve this end while at the same time ensuring that users continue to have a great compatibility experience."
"by allowing XML and by defining the mappings between the serialisations, it may actually be more successful in triggering a migration to XML than XHTML 1&2 ever would."
"Amazingly, users spent 38% more time on these two tasks now than they did in 2000. Are modern mobile devices really worse than the horrible WAP phones of times past? Has site usability declined that much? The answer is no on both counts; phones and sites are definitely better now."