"Tryi Yeh’s Google-G0 concept is an experiment in mobile phone ergonomics ? the speakers and mic are positioned on the back, which also slides to reveal a customizable keypad and camera."
"マドンナは直前に急遽プログラムを変更しマイケルとマイケルを夢見て生きてきた「Kento Mori」の為にスペシャルプログラムを組んだ。マイケル・ジャクソンの扮装をさせ、マイケルの名曲「Billie Jean」や「Wanna Be Startin’ Something」に合わせ、「Kento Mori」にソロダンスを踊らせたのである。"
"Do you have multiple cameras? Do you spend time quitting iPhoto every time you connect your iPhone? Wish you could have your DSLR open Aperture and have iPhoto launch when you connect your point-and-shoot camera? If so, Cameras is the solution you've been waiting for. "
"So, ultimately, we may end up this month with four separate specifications."
"W3C's Linking Open Data (LOD) project has gotten quite a bit of attention for the good job it does with the Web of data. Currently, all participating data sets are accessible free of charge and can be used without constraints. The project focuses on growth for now."
"What this does mean is that we no longer have to adhere to the membership rules of W3C to do the work, so if you want to get involved in the future work on XHTML2, please get in touch, at xhtml2 at future-web dot org."