"徐々に標準仕様(WebKit のことじゃなくて、W3C や WHATWG、ECMA など標準化団体の定める仕様のことです)に準拠したブラウザのシェアが増え、バッドノウハウが淘汰されていく世の中が理想的"
"The Semantic Web and Linked Data connect because when we've got this web of linked data, there are already lots of technologies which exist to do fancy things with it. But it's time now to concentrate on getting the web of linked data out there."
"DeliciousSafari is a Safari plug-in for Delicious that lets you conveniently access and share your bookmarks."
"Glow isn’t the BBC’s first JavaScript library, although it is the first to be released as open source software."
"Activity stream almost working. PHP library released. Integration with FOAF VIX also underway. Protect your account with FOAF+SSL in progress. WebDAV / SPARUL in progress. Lots of cleanup to do."