"atMonitor is the most advanced Mac OS X system monitor and process explorer utility."
"It also adds to the pressure to include RDFa into HTML 5 (Microformats, being elements and classes, “work” already). Given that Google (the employers of the HTML 5 spec editor, Ian Hickson) and Yahoo are starting to use microdata, it’s almost certainly untenable to claim there are no use cases for it, and RDFa is already a W3C specification, albeit ugly to write and opaquely documented."
"Providing an "A-grade" experience for your application may not be a question of whether your app runs in the browser but whether your app’s usability on a small touchscreen retains its usability. With this in mind, we’ll begin delivering a smartphone GBS matrix beginning in Q4 2009."
"Classilla is bringing back web browser support to your classic Macintosh -- built on WaMCoM, a port of Mozilla to classic Macintosh systems, using the same technology underpinning the popular Firefox browser. It's completely free and it's open source, and it's standards-compliant."
"While we recognize the value of the XHTML 2 Working Group's contributions over the years, after discussion with the participants, W3C management has decided to allow the Working Group's charter to expire at the end of 2009 and not to renew it."