links for 2009-06-10
"So, what is the true power of HTML5? Coordination. Getting all the browser vendors to standardize on a common set of features. HTML5 is not a technical achievement, it’s a social movement."
"この資料は、OASISのDITA仕様書のなかの「DITA Version 1.1 Architectural Specification OASIS Standard, 1 August 2007」をアンテナハウス株式会社が翻訳したものです。"
"The Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) 1.1 specification defines both a) a set of document types for authoring and organizing topic-oriented information; and b) a set of mechanisms for combining and extending document types using a process called specialization."
"The purpose of the summary attribute is to concisely describe the structure of a data table. The summary attribute is not intended to provide a long description for data tables."
"I’ll stress that this was not a large overhaul of the book (hence Special Edition rather than Second Edition), so if you’ve already read the original, or own it, you’re better off spending your dime on another book."