"In this post, I present three scenarios that you may experience when encountering a page with script errors; for each scenario, I highlight the improvements we’ve made in IE8 and also discuss how you can use these improvements."
"Meanwhile, extensibility and the relative roles of HTML and XHTML2 working groups were hot topics at the AC meeting last month. Steven Pemberton and I have been having a productive discussion, and we’ve also consulted with a number of AC representatives. This post is the result of those discussions."
"To some degree, I guess they could, but Operas web standards curriculum is really learner-centric, so if you're trying to teach yourself, that's probably the place to go. But ours is very much focused on educators, because we feel like there's a lot of great resources out there on the web if someone wants to teach themselves, but there's not a lot of great stuff for educators to get stuff into their courses."
"What are web standards? And why should I care? A fun new clip from the BigThink marathon Zeldman interview."