links for 2009-04-06
"Googleの運用担当バイスプレジデントのUrs Hoelzle氏は、不況が運用予算を圧迫し、環境に対する懸念が広がり、エネルギー価格は高騰、エネルギーの制約が強まるという状況で、Googleが効率性の普及活動を拡大する機は熟したと語る。"
"I'm sorry but the installer it's a bit large ( 14 Mb ) because it's batteries included :) That's because within the installer there are a couple of flash player versions for any of the supported OS ( linux, win and mac ) and because with flash 9 the weight of flash player increased really a lot! ( 11Mb on mac, for example )"
"No object entered orbit and no debris fell on Japan."