"Neo: I know One Web! Morpheus: Show me."
"Yes, it’s true. After reading a bit of speculation over the past few weeks, I’ll confirm here that I am, indeed, joining Twitter. I don’t remember ever being as eager or excited to start a new job as I’ve been with this one. (Thus, why I only took one week off between jobs.)"
"You can view the list currently available on your IE installation by typing ‘res://iecompat.dll/iecompatdata.xml’ into the browser’s address bar. Note that the list is only active if the ‘Include updated website lists from Microsoft’ check-box at Tools --> Compatibility View Settings is selected."
"perhaps a better solution is delegate the hosting to a trusted third party, or for font publishers and foundries to host the files themselves"というのは、アクセスが集中したときのことを考えると、あまり良い案には思えないというか、ホスティングする側のコストが不安過ぎるような。