links for 2009-02-17
"Need a wireless remote? Go with the Logitech Cordless Presenter. This is all but the industry standard for presenting."ってのは初耳。
"Users have to choose to use the Compatibility View list, and receive updates for it ? it’s not on by default. Users can also “click the button” that places a site into Compatibility View. Both actions involve users exercising choice to override IE's defaults."
"Facette is a suite of tools allows Delicious users to organize their bookmarks using facets. Facette offers a bookmarks browser that automatically organizes tags in a user's account. Facette also offers an enhanced version of Delicious' tagging tool."
"Oh great; x- tokens... aren't those passe by now?"
"「宇宙飛行士模擬訓練・体験」は、宇宙飛行士が実際に訓練を行った設備で、宇宙飛行士の訓練を「より分かりやすく・安全に」一般体験してもらうものです。宇宙について学ぶだけでなく、模擬訓練・体験を通し、みんなで何かをやりとげる「チームワーク」の大切さを学びます。「宇宙」が、「夢」が、遠くないことを感じてもらいたいと思います。提供期間 平成22年3月31日まで"
"Many have got the message, but there are a heck of a lot of people that my friend Stuart Langridge calls 'dark matter developers'. We don't know how to talk to them. We don't know where they are. They don't come to conferences and they don't read books. They turn up, test in IE and go home at five."