"User Insight (ユーザーインサイト) は、「どんなユーザーが」「どう見ているか」を低コストに調べることができる、まったく新しい Web アクセス解析ツールです。"
"12月4日(木)午後 特別企画(15:15?17:15)オープンソースソフトウェアとWebアクセシビリティ"に参加予定(一応
"GlimmerBlocker offers a powerful ad-blocking plugin for Safari that avoids this method of enhancement. Instead, it is implemented as a simple http proxy. A robust set of built-in filters are included, and custom filters can be added via the control panel that is installed in the System Preferences."
"Vocito is a desktop UI for GrandCentral for the Mac. It allows you to easily dial anybody from your desktop. Using GrandCentral it will dial the remote phone and your local phone simultaneously, and connect you together."
"We will release one more public update of IE8 in the first quarter of 2009, and then follow that up with the final release. Our next public release of IE (typically called a “release candidate”) indicates the end of the beta period."
"In comparing these three platforms, it can be said that Apple took their time to come to the accessibility party, but what they came up with simply works great out of the box."