"NameChanger is designed for the sole purpose of renaming a list of files. To install just download the zip, open it and drag the app to your Applications Folder."
"Sapiens is an application launcher, it helps you access all the applications in your Mac. Sapiens is clever because it learns from you, so unlike any other launcher it predicts the applications you will likely need and offers a visualization of this prediction in an intuitive way."
"An advanced Todo managing Application for the Apple iPhone / iPod Touch"
"Porticus is a Cocoa GUI for the MacPorts package manager. MacPorts provides ready to build open-source software packages modified to compile and run on Mac OS X."
"xfy Planner(エクスファイ プランナー)は、ビジネスシーンにおいて発生する日々のToDoチェック、進捗管理、アイデアメモなど多岐にわたる情報を整理し活用するソフトです。"