links for 2008-08-19
そんなことより(謎)、写真のJean-Louis Gassée氏が妙に老けて見えたのが衝撃的だったし、なぜか悲しい。僕がBeOSのTシャツ着てSeattleの街を歩いていた頃はもっと若々しかったのに!!
"Interesting uses of markup I have found during 2008, sponsored by Mozilla Foundation."
"Once the CSS 3 spec is finalised and the browser support is solid, a foolproof way of doing image replacement will be available to us that is accessible to screenreaders and which degrades gracefully with CSS off and with images off."
"If you are like me and check your Adsense earnings religiously, as in once every 5 minutes, the Adsense widget will save you a lot of time."
"Dashalytics is a free Dashboard Widget for your Apple Mac that offers quick access to Google Analytics statistics."
"del.izzy is a free service that lets you search through your bookmarks."