"As we can’t rely on ordering, we need to join the data-type and the data-value together. A few approaches have been suggested, including wrapping the value, or concatenating the pieces with an arbitrary separator - I suggest using a hyphen"
"ScreenShade is a tool for further dimming a screen (or screens) past the capabilities of the OS X brightness display settings."
"Implemented in the current nightlies (and therefore, most likely, in the Alpha) are: All remaining Selectors, Text Shadow, Box Shadow, Border Image, Column Rule"
"Silverback makes it easy, quick and cheap for everyone to perform guerilla usability tests with no setup and no expense, using hardware already in your Mac."
"/usr/local/bin/synergys -f --config /etc/synergy.conf >/dev/null 2>&1 &"
"User Interface (UI) Library for Safari development on iPhone"