"I’m happy to announce that we’re on track to deliver IE8 Beta 2 this August when you’ll get a chance to see what we’ve been up to in these areas." 20カ国語版で同時リリースか。
"Also, you may notice a bunch of empty pairs here and there. These are as semantically neutral as reusable empty divs or spans, only with less characters."
"1996 年より人力飛行機の卒業研究の一部として空力データを航空研究会に提供しMöwe20,21が琵琶湖の大会記録や日本記録を更新することができた.昨年文科省の特色GPが採択され,本年は記録飛行に挑戦する."
"The upcoming Firefox 3.0 release has built-in support for microformats in the form of an API that you can access from a Firefox extension."