"24 時間最多ダウンロードソフトとしての世界記録挑戦に、あなたも参加しませんか? その方法は、とっても簡単。Firefox 3 を Download Day 期間中にダウンロードするだけです。"
"First up, on June 13, I’ll be speaking at this vent at Mitsue-Links. It’s free, but places are limited, and it will be conducted in a combination of Japanese, and English (which will be translated into Japanese). It’s to help celebrate the launch of my microformats book in Japanese!"
"BrowserPlus™ is a technology for web browsers that allows developers to create rich web applications with desktop capabilities."
"The Google Earth Plug-in and its JavaScript API let you embed Google Earth, a true 3D digital globe, into your web pages."
"Today we would like to present 40 incredible icon sets which you can use for your web designs or your desktop. Let’s take a close look at some of the most beautiful icon sets we’ve found on deviantART."