links for 2008-04-17
"Writing about whether people validate their CSS, it made me wonder about how/if people ensure the quality of their JavaScript code."
"また XFN の生成ツールに関してはWeb標準Blogの木達さんが日本語版を作ってくださってます :-)"、あれ大昔に訳したものだからちょっとアレなんですけども。
""DROPCLOCK" is an aesthetically intriguing motion clock screensaver. Every minute of real time is numerically expressed with heavy Helvetica dropping into water in super slow-motion."
いくらなんでも、一番下に載ってるガンダムに変形するヤツは反則でしょうw ザクに乗っててこんなのに出くわした日には詐欺だろって叫びますよ。
"The most surprising observation to me is the widespread use of the transitional doctypes."そうは思わなかったけど、意外にUTFの比率が高いあたりが興味深かったかも。
"GridFox is a Firefox extension that overlays a grid on any website. If you can open it in Firefox, you can put a grid on top of it. It’s easy to customize, allowing you to create the exact grid you designed your layout around."