links for 2008-02-07
"It is interesting to note that NVDA, a free screen reader, has better support for content updates than Window Eyes."
"If there happen to be any differences in the way IE7 mode is implemented, the library may even need to cope with IE10’s IE7 mode and IE11’s IE7 mode."
"The especially strange part, in all of this, is that there's really no right, or wrong, here. How this behavior is supposed to play out by the rendering engine isn't dictated by the CSS specification, having it be left up to the implementation to render
"Offspring does what I want it to do?add pseudo-class-like classes to elements to leverage some of the benefits of pseudo-classes while we wait for browsers to catch up and support them outright."
"Stylizer is the easiest, most efficient, and most polished CSS editor available for designing CSS-based web sites."