"NetGrowler displays pop-up notifications on network events (joining new wireless networks, IP address changes, etc.) through http://growl.infoGrowl."
非公式版。"The CSS2.1 Conformance Test Suite tests conformance to the CSS2.1 specification. It is currently in the earlier stages of development, and is very incomplete."
"During all our work on integrating audio and video into Adium, it seems that a company called MeBeam was way ahead of us. They implemented a cross-platform, protocol-agnostic videochat solution using Flash."
"便利な Growl のエクストラに Mail.app にメールが届くと Growl で表示してくれる GrowlMail というのがある。"やばい知らなかった orz
"it is a great way to meet and get to know the people with whom you are going to work, sometimes for the span of several years, over e-mail and other remote communication means."